Succession Strategies – A Real World Example

John Gustafson has built his business over 50-years; it is comprised of three entities (mechanical, collision, satellite) and produces $11.5 million per year. He asks, "What are the options for successions with no heirs in the family?"

Carm Capriotto-founder Remarkable Results Radio, hosts a discussion with:

John Gustafson-Owner Gustafson Brothers Automotive, Bob Ward-President of Perpetual Business, and Hunt Demarest-CPA at Paar-Melis.

Listen to Carm, Bob and Hunt as they ask the questions that help John outline a Succession Strategy for his business. Watch the YouTube video at Town Hall Academy episode 233 or listen on free subscription services like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Amazon Music and others. You can subscribe to a free listening app for your smartphone here-