Selling your Business - First Steps

Bob Ward and David Justice discuss Selling your Business - the First Steps with Carm Capriotto on his Town Hall Academy podcast that aired 06AUG20.

Selling your Business - First Steps

Bob Ward and David Justice discuss Selling your Business - the First Steps with Carm Capriotto on his Town Hall Academy podcast that aired 06AUG20.

Carm comments: "You have one of the bestest (sic) quotes I have ever known,...Bob says, 'You plan to sell your business on the day you open it.'"

Bob: "Yes, we all know we are going to sell our business. There is no dispute. We are either going to sell it in a planned sale where we get to realize the value and we're happily retiring or we're going to sell it through a liquidation because we died without a plan. But the business will be sold. So the very first step is to make sure, in the event of a tragedy, that business will continue. That's a Business Continuity Plan in its basic form. Ultimately, you want to build what I call a Perpetual Business meaning it will always survive the departure of the owner." "...Consider if you left today and never came back would your business operate at least as successfully as it does today without you? When you can answer that question yes, you are good to go.  You have the choice and terms to leave your business."

Listen to the entire episode at: URL