Build Your Company to Survive!

What will happen to your business, and especially those depending on it, if you die, become disabled, or just wish to retire? A Continuity Plan is crucial!

Build Your Company to Survive!

Succession Planning Begins on the First Day

Ensure That Your Business Lives - Even if You Don’t.

When speaking to audiences of small business owners about succession planning, I often begin by asking them to write down the name of the most important person in their lives; the person for whom no sacrifice is too great; the person for whom they would walk through fire to protect.  Consistently, the name written is their spouse, soul mate, or children.  You, like them, have invested your heart, mind, labor, and financial resources to create and operate a business that provides for your family, has value, employs others, serves appreciative clients, and is an asset in your community…  Your business is your life.  It defines you.  Don’t risk its future or those that depend on it.

Your work is bigger than you imagine.

Ask yourself this question, “What would happen to my business, and to those that depend on it, if I die, become disabled, or more likely, just wish to retire?”  Reflect a moment…

Without a plan, the business will be liquidated via eBay, Craigslist, auction, or garage sale.  An enlightened businessperson though, will have designed a blueprint that contains provisions for:

  • Preserving family wealth
  • Ensuring uninterrupted business operations
  • Fulfilling intentions
  • Deliberate execution of your wishes vs. chaotic consequences
  • Controlling the terms and timing of your retirement.

Procrastination will put everything, and everyone, at risk.  Fortunately, there is always a place to start!

For really young enterprises, a Business Continuity Plan is the easiest first step.  It answers the question, “What will happen to my business, family, and employees if I die?”  All the important people in your life will be secure because, by your foresight, the plan exists.  You could write one yourself or, for a small fee, Perpetual Business will create one for you (and it will even include a checklist that will help you keep it updated).

You have fashioned something important, valuable, and worthy of respect.  Provide for your future, the future of your enterprise and all those connected to the business you built.

When taken one step at a time, succession planning can be comfortably managed. We have the resources to help you and your successor.  Perpetual Business can guide you to create a lasting legacy and be a valued resource as you pursue the benefits, security, and freedom of a well-crafted succession plan.

The Perpetual Business processes and tools have been created to preserve the ideals that motivated the founders of our country, just as you fashioned your company: Pride of ownership; Hard work; Perseverance; Satisfaction of a job well done; Service to others; A desire for those that follow you to rise even higher….

We work hard to deliver meaningful, direct, impactful, and concise information that can be used immediately.  Encouraging entrepreneurs and perpetuating successful small businesses is our passion!